Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Katie & Ryan's Engagements

We had the most incredible time getting to know Katie & Ryan while photographing their engagements at Balboa Park.  They are just as sweet as can be! After being together for 6 years & 6 months, Ryan decided it was time to propose to the love of his life! 

The proposal was so sweet- They were driving down the Ortega HWY and stopped at a look out point where they had their first date. Even though it was freezing, Ryan convinced Katie to get out of the car and handed her a scrapbook filled with pictures from their past. The last page of the scrapbook said “Katie Lorraine Wise WILL YOU MARRY ME?” Ryan was looking up at her with a gorgeous ring and a huge smile! She cried instantly and said YES! We love proposal stories, and this was one of our favorites. 

Katie & Ryan, we are really looking forward to photographing your wedding in January. 

 Congratulations to you both!!!

Here are a few of our favorite memories from their engagement shoot:

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To view the rest of Katie & Ryan's engagement gallery, click here.


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