Friday, March 15, 2013

Kristyn & Stephen

Kristyn & Stephen Got Hitched!
I have known Kristyn since she was 5 years old.  Her mother, Martha, is one of my very bestest and closest friends.  I have watched this precious and precocious child grow into the beautiful and wise young woman, that she is today.  I was so excited when her mom asked me to photograph her wedding.  She told me all about this wonderful man that her baby girl, had met and fell in love with, named Stephen.  She was so pleased that her daughter had met the man of her dreams and that they were planning their lives together.  When I met Stephen, I understood why she approved and loved him so much.  Stephen is a great and very loveable guy!  Always smiling, always laughing . . . (sometimes too much, when I was going for a more serious, romantic feel between the two of them!)

They chose to marry in beautiful San Diego, California.  The day was perfect.  The sun was out but the temperature was pleasantly cool.  They couldn’t have asked for a lovelier day to pledge their love and start their new lives together.

Kristyn and Stephen, congratulations and thank you so much for allowing Captured Moments Photography to share this memorable day with you and preserve all those special moments for you and your families.

We hope you enjoy the slideshow, that we put together of a few of our favorite moments of your wedding day!
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