Monday, February 27, 2012

Nikki & Craig's Maternity

Nikki & Craig's Maternity

As I was photographing this beautiful couple, Nikki and Craig, who are about to have their first child,
I thought to myself, "How on earth am I going to put this session into words?" This blog post was
intimidating to write because I don't think my words will do this couple justice.

They are the sweetest people you would ever want to meet.   Doug and I photographed their
wedding back in September of 2010.  Their day was so lovely and sweet that between their
awesome families, their amazing friends and of course Nikki and Craig's undeniable love for each other, I teared up several times during the course of their wedding day.

I cannot tell you how thrilled we were when they contacted us and told us that they are expecting a daughter and that they wanted us to photograph their maternity session!  We always feel so honored and blessed when couples come back to us after their wedding and ask us to photograph their maternity, babies and/or their families.  Thank you so much, Nikki and Craig, for allowing us to capture such a precious time in your lives.

We put together a slideshow of some of our favorite images of the two of them (soon to be three) and we hope you enjoy it!

Be sure to watch this in full screen mode and check to make sure it's playing in 720pHD

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Josie & Matt's Wedding Day

Josie & Matt

Loved... That was clearly the theme of the day for Josie & Matt's wedding.  They spent
the day displaying their love for one another, for their families and for their friends.  They
both smiled with passion and adoration for each other, and all who watched felt empowered
by the possibility that forever just might really be possible after seeing these two
together.  There was such a warmness and a tenderness between them and they are so 
perfectly complimented.

Our associate photographer, Melissa Jewel, had the honor of photographing Josie & Matt's
engagement session as well as their beautiful wedding day.  What a joy they were for her to
work with and share in the joy of their love.

We love that you can see the true raw excitement beaming from these two as they now start their
lives together as husband and wife.  As you view their slideshow of some of our favorite images, as they celebrate their love, we are sure your hearts will be touched, as ours were.

Be sure to watch this in fullscreen mode and be check to make sure it's playing in 720pHD

Monday, February 13, 2012

Tawny & Sean's Wedding Day

Tawny & Sean are One!

When Tawny and Sean chose Captured Moments Photography to be their wedding photographers, we were thrilled!  Then the sadness came.   Doug and myself were already committed to another bride and groom, on their wedding day.  However, the sadness turned happy again, because our associate photographer, Melissa Jewel was available!  Melissa got the honor of photographing this lovely couple and their perfect day.

If you love red...(we do!) will love the vibrant colors of this wedding!   Villa de Amore provided the beautiful backdrop for their day of happiness.  Tawny and Sean, we wish you the best as you begin your new life together!  We hope you enjoy the images that we put together for their slideshow.

Be sure to watch this in fullscreen mode and be check to make sure it's playing in 720pHD
© Captured Moments Photography
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